Anne Coulter es incorregible.
Fuente: NewYorkObserver
Anne Coulter es una periodista. Escribe en el frontpagemagazine y es autora del libro "How to Talk to a Liberal (If Yoy Must)", que desde que el presidente Bush fue reelegido, encabeza la lista de best sellers del New York Times.
Le preguntaban como le habían ido las navidades, y su contestación, aunque no sea nada correcta, tiene su gracia.
«How was her Christmas in New York?
"Oh, it was so much fun this year, because saying ‘Merry Christmas’ is like saying ‘Fuck you!’ I’ve said it to everyone. You know, cab drivers, passing people on the street, whatever. And they come up with the ‘Happy holidays.’"‘Merry Christmas.’ I mean, it really is an aggressive act in New York."»
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