El periodismo necesita una inyección de integridad.
Es interesante este artículo sobre la situación del periodismo en Estados Unidos.
Es artículo es de U-WIRE
«A new class of infectious diseases is on the rise, affecting a unique demographic -- journalists and the news media. This exclusive group is suffering a potentially deadly affliction that has affected their quality and integrity severely.
The symptoms associated with these bacteria include stories that are too good to be true. The method of transmission is fascinating, though not uncommon. The disease enters into the body once the mind gives in to the pressures of money, power, sensationalism, unethical editors and the temptation to lie just becomes too great. This disease has caused the fatalities and dishonor of many in the news business; it has infected even the most impenetrable bodies.
Jayson Blair, formerly of The New York Times, and Jack Kelley, the renowned reporter of USA Today, among others, were found to have elevated F. factus counts after they were caught fabricating hundreds of stories.
Another pillar in the news world recently suffered a similar fate. In the fall, Dan Rather and CBS News aired a story accusing George W. Bush of irregular behavior while in the National Guard. When they were questioned about the story's validity, they stood behind their fact-checkers, even as the supporting evidence eroded away. Now an official review of the journalistic bungle reprimands the news agency for politicizing and fraudulent reporting. It's the typical symptom pattern for F. factus.» (continúa)
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